Sunday, February 15, 2015

9 Gallon Humidifier Review

9 Gallon Humidifier
Customer Ratings: 3.5 stars
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I have had several Holmes humidifiers and Lasko humidifiers since getting rid of the last of the old permanent console Sears belt humidifiers that clogged and put mineral dust into the air.

The Laskos just run and run season after season (clean them out with muriatic acid or toilet bowl cleaner at the end of each season) and replace the paper cascade with a metal Honeywell cascade once and forget it. Do not attempt to clean the aluminum cascade filter in muriatic acid (toilet bowl cleaner).

I used to be able to get both Lasco and Holmes at Wal-Mart, but they seem to only carry the Holmes now. That does increase filter/wick sales since you are supposed to (and HAVE TO because they no longer wick water properly with mineral build up) replace that every month on the Holmes units.

On the other hand I pitched one Holmes whose wick clogged in 1 month and am keeping another in the bedroom as a back-up to the primary living room Lasko when it cannot maintain proper humidity during the coldest weather. The wicks constantly clog with minerals and quit working and the water valves on the containers never seem to open properly. (I have now re-engineered the valve openers so they always work, but why should the customer have to do this?)

Winter 2009/10 ADDENDUM: The motor finally died in my last Lasko unit. I removed the dead motor/pump and installed an aquarium pump for the waterfall and a small fan from Rite-Aid Pharmacy, that fits perfectly into the cone and it is running like a champ.

Our humidity is running around 45% at 10 to 20 degrees and we can breathe again without waking up with a sore throat, dry eyes and dried out nose in the AM!!

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I am still pleased with my purchase of this item. We are in Anchorage where it is very dry in the winters and this is perfect. Our house is about 1600 sq ft and we keep it in the foyer where there is a ceiling fan on our vaulted ceiling. It does a good job on low to get humidity throughout the house. We havent turned it off since we got it about a month ago. It works for us just fine! Some would find it noisy, but for something that brings humidity to virtually the entire home, it isnt too bad.

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I've used many different humidifiers...I live in the desert and it's a MUST in the winter. This is by far the best design because it pumps the water over the evaporative pad rather than having the pad absorb it up into a wick. We have fairly hard water, and the pads stop absorbing rather quickly and have to be replaced. This design just keeps going and going. I just clean it every few weeks, and put it back in service. The air in the house is always a comfortable, stable humidity, even during the coldest, driest winter.

Honest reviews on 9 Gallon Humidifier

The only possible complaint I would have is the noise, it's quite a loud unit. So much so I keep mine in my living room and have a smaller Holmes for my bedroom. The Lasko keeps the majority of the house at a very comfortable humidity. I replace the wick every 5 6 weeks, and clean the unit when I store it for the summer so it's very low maintenance. I do add a very small amount of BestAir 3BT-6 Original BT Humidifier Bacteriostatic Water Treatment 32 oz. at each refill that seems to help the wick last longer, though to much makes the water foam up and probably would harm the pump.

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the control to set desired humidity did not work and i had to return this product and go even longer without humidity in my desert environment. i have had these humidifiers before and they are reasonably satisfactory even though i had to replace them often. I did not want to get another one of and bought a honeywell quiet care instead. glad i made the change!!

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