Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Buy Protec Antimicrobial Cleaning Cartridge

Protec Antimicrobial Cleaning Cartridge
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
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I love this product. The problem with most humidifiers is the high bacterial growth in the water. You can tell by the musty smell in the air from the dirty and contaminated water in the tray and in the tank. Clean steam has no odor. I am doing this review based on the specific humidifier machine I own, the Honeywell Model HCM 630. I live in NYC in an overheated apartment during the cold months. My husbands and I got a lot of cold, dry coughs, dry skin and nose bleeds from the heated dry air that was why I bought this machine two years ago to alleviate our suffering. There are three hidden maintenance steps that every humidifier owner must perform that the manufacturer of the humidifier usually did not mention in their instruction booklet in order to keep the humidifier hygienic. The first, one must keep the tank and the water scrupulously clean by scrubbing the inside of the tank, the inside of the lid while changing the water daily. The second, once a month, after cleaning the tank, you drop one of these Protec cartridges in the tank and let it do its work as it helps slow down growth and migration of mold, fungus, algae, and bacteria in the water and on the filter. The third and just as necessary as the other two, replace the big round filter monthly or as often as every two weeks especially if you keep the humidifier running 24/7. If you do all three steps regularly, you'll enjoy the clean steam that helps protect your mucus membranes from drying out (much healthier for all of us) during the winter months and one added bonus, not being zapped by static shocks when touching another person or a metallic object when the humidifier is operating.

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I always order these when I take out my humidifier. They help keep the water clean. I change them about once a month.

Best Deals for Protec Antimicrobial Cleaning Cartridge

I have purchased many Crane (kids) humidifiers -a couple for myself -and I love them! They are quiet, efficient, and they work with less mold/mildew or crusty sediment than other humidifiers, thanks to this little jewel. I guess it would work for any sonic type humidifier and I'm sold! I'll keep using these during the winter months when inside air is so dry that I need to run the humidifiers!

Honest reviews on Protec Antimicrobial Cleaning Cartridge

Chi weathers are dry as a mo-fo. I run my humidifier during the day so I can actually sleep at night. These little guys are great at keeping the unit clean. I replace mine every month, but thing I will start to cycle twice a month.

Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Protec Antimicrobial Cleaning Cartridge

The cartridge works as advertised and is very effective. We are quite satisfied and anticipate will be purchasing additional cartridges in the future.

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